At San Diego Comic Con 2017, a pack based on Balthazar Bratt was released with only 2,000 made for the public.In 3 Packs and 6 Packs, Limited Editions sometimes come in yellow bags instead of orange bags. NEW: September 2021 Active Promo Codes for Pokmon GO: The Full List and How to Redeem Them Disney Crossy Road contains a ton of secret characters, and one thing that has recently been added is the entire development crew, both from the Disney side of things and from the Hipster Whale side of things.Moose's products page used to have the Despicable Me Mineez 6 Pack's contents mislabeled as 3 Mineez.The Collect page of the official Despicable Me Mineez website has the Golden Minions category misspelled as Golden Mininons.Drop them in cold water and see their cheese tirn spotty green! Collect them all while they're small! Mineez - Big Fun Made Mini!! Characters Family The Minions have become Mineez but these cheese Festival Mineez have a cheesy color change surprise. How Despicable! Someone got their hands on the Shrink Ray Gun and minified the Minions and friends! Now the Minions have become Mineez! Search for the Despicable Me 3 characters and collect them all while they're small! Mineez - Big Fun Made Mini!! Cheese Festival Collection Pack